please stop time

Antonín Hudeček

"Some sheep were raising a cloud of crop dust in the sun. A hedgehog rustled among the leaves of an apple tree. A ferry barge was moving away from the shore; on it was a man who held his horses by the bridle, steadying them as they inhaled through snorting nostrils. From high above the forest's moss-like expanses came the call of cranes in passage: kruuu - kruuu.

...If only a moment of everything's happening could be arrested, fixed, examined in a glass jar; if only it could be peeled away from the moment before and the moment after, and the tissue of time stretched into an ocean of space! But no."

Czeslaw Milosz, "The Issa Valley"

It happens, usually in summer, about halfway through. A moment I want to stay and live in, examine from all angles and experience to the full. Is it just me or does it seem that we only skim the surface of a moment, and that there are depths we never reach?


  1. Just what I am feeling now, too. Like running to the top of a hill to catch the sunset before it disappears.
    Subscribed so I get immediate notifications when you write! Enjoying your posts muchly.

    1. Glad you like them! Wishing it was still July...


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