Other streams of being

William Samuel Henry Llewellyn

"Like a medium, I flowed into, or was possessed by, other streams of being, imagination released from all check was set vibrating and took astonishing action...I had become for days on end creatures in Wonderland; I had lost and won duels and battles, committed crimes and heroisms, achieved nobility, endured accident, died many times in many ways, plotted against my king, had mistresses and been them, triumphed and been defeated on cricket field and tennis court, followed the Grail, felt danger and delight, starved and been rich, loved and been loved, hated and been hated, been beautiful and ugly, strong and weak - lived through a phantasmagoria of experience that life could not have offered me at that age, if ever."

Eleanor Cameron
"The Green and Burning Tree"

Dod Procter

Trying something different here - if no one is paying attention I can get away with it. Just a sort of free-flowing (haha) response to the quote.

"I flowed into...other streams of being."

I enter the stream of all-life, 
all-people's, make a home in all-place, 
a world in all-worlds,
take my place
my role as cast by an author who
provides changes for all-weathers
coats and hats for cold days
warm wraps for old age
in homespun or factory hum,

let the plot unfold, unwind
let the spool-thread of life fly
blurring patterns stitched in fire

for the real story includes us all
story within story
glory within glory -
at the center
a filament of flaming gold

from the miscroscopic miniscules 
the airy nothings (as we ignorantly observe)
come grand unimaginables,

all-stories one story
one story of/for us all

animate, all of us
even mountains have-shall move and fall

Weird, right? Oh well.


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